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David Wayne Hurd's Genealogy - French-Canadian Ancestors

Catudal Family Lineage

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Joseph Catudal Jr.
Antoine Racicot
(<1798 - )
Judith Jared-Beauregard
Marie-Anne Bousquet
(<1798 - )

m. 9 Jan 1844, St-Pie de Bagot
Didier Catudal Emilie Racicot
b. bef 1831
rel. Catholic
b. ca 1812
d. 21 Sep 1882, St-Césaire
bur. 23 Sep 1882, St-Césaire
rel. Catholic

Joseph Frederic Catudal
Antoine Helias Catudal
> Alphonse Jonas Catudal <
François-Xavier Catudal
M. Virginie Catudal
Anastasie Catudal
Rosalie Aurélie Catudal
Malvina Catudal
Philias Catudal
Anonyme Catudal
Celina Arsilia Catudal
M. Dorilla Arsilda Catudal
Victorine Catudal
Joseph Catudal
Marie Albina Catudal

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