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David Wayne Hurd's Genealogy - French-Canadian Ancestors

Catudal Family Lineage

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Pierre Catudal
(1867 - 1929)
François Foisy
Délia Boissé
(1880 - 1934)
Marie Onésima Alexina Belisle

m. 9 Feb 1935, Notre-Dame
Martin Olivier Catudal Alice Foisy
b. 12 Nov 1912, Valcourt
d. 30 Sep 1992, Abitibi
bur. Oct 1992, Rochebeaucourt Abitibi
b. 29 Jun 1920, Roxton Falls
d. 27 Jan 1991, Abitibi
bur. Jan 1991, Rochebeaucourt Abitibi

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Georgette Catudal
Jean-Guy Catudal
Solange Catudal
Aline Catudal
Gilles Catudal
Lucie Catudal
Jacqueline Catudal
Donat Catudal
André Catudal
Jacques Catudal
Réjeanne Catudal
Lise Catudal

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