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Kenya Ilchamus Ward, Baringo Sinkhole Map

This is a zoomable map. Clicking on the double-right arrow, by the Z icon at the lower left corner of the map, will bring up the menu of available view options.

GIS Data used for the production of this map was downloaded from several sources, including DIVA-GIS and The Humanitarian Data Exchange

Current News Links - Kenya's Lake Baringo Sinkhole News Articles Online

  • Where is Lake Baringo located in Kenya?
    • Lake Baringo is located in west-central Kenya, in the Rift Valley, at an altitude of about 3,200 feet.
  • How many constituencies are in Baringo County?
    • Baringo County is comprised of six constituencies, Baringo Central, Baringo South, Baringo North, Eldama Ravine, Mogotio and Tiaty.
  • Is Lake Baringo a freshwater lake?
    • Yes, Lake Baringo is a freshwater Lake. It and Lake Naivasha are the two freshwater lakes that are in the Rift Valley.
  • What number is Nakuru County?
    • Code 32 is associated with Nakuru County. The full list of counties of Kenya can be found on Wikipedia's List of Kenya Counties
  • What is the capital of Kenya?
    • Nairobi is the capital of Kenya.

About this Webpage

I enjoy working with GIS data and try to find new things to keep my skills honed with.

Within these pages, I am performing some GIS tasks about the Karst Sinkholes in Florida. After seeing the news about the 100 foot-side sinkhole that had opened up behind a house in Windermere, Florida, I decided to see what was available for historic sinkhole data and started developing this webpage, complete with a time-lapse video of the historic locations of the sinkholes.

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